Saturday, 13 May 2017

My First Gun !

My First Gun !

Hi again! Hope you are all ok !
So today I'm going to write about my first gun because I'm going to share my experience with you all about my shooting in stages. I also am going to answer any one's questions left in the comments  too and I'm going to try and make people understand more about hunting/shooting. I also want to get more young people into the sport as I think we should all have an outdoor experience and lifestyle whether it's Hunting, shooting, beating or even walking and appreciating the outdoors. So, hope you enjoy !

Here is me in the hide, game shooting, with my first gun. So, I got my first gun from Brian, the beat owner. He told us that the gun had gone through generations as he has taught lots of people with that gun as it was an instructing gun. When I got this I was really excited I felt like a coke can that had been shook up ! It was a nice little gun to start off with. Thank you Brian, if you're reading this ! 

The Remington 1,100.

It was a great gun- a 20 gauge semi-automatic. I first took this gun out at Doveridge clay shooting ground and that's where I saw the Olympic shooter Lara Dale and we were talking to each other on Facebook about shooting. She is a fantastic shooter ! Also, we saw Brody Woolard there too and they are both inspirations to me as Lara shows girls can shoot too and Brody is a great example too
as his dad also instructed him but now he has his own instructor, like myself,  and is well-known in the shooting community. These are also inspirations to me as well as Andy Crow and Rachel Carrie too, which I will do  full blog posts about soon. 

This is a picture of me at Doveridge the first time I shot this gun.

It wasn't a very clear day as you can see but it didn't ruin it ! I still tried my hardest. My dad was my first instructor as you can see and he helped me as well as my mum, godfather and Ian. I am very thankful for all of their advice as this has made me succeed throughout my shooting.

Thank you for reading my blog and any comments will be appreciated.
Bethany Xo  


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